
Timeline: People Associated with the Archdiocese of Louisville                    


Letters on file Re: Fr. Robert A. Bowling

9-5-47 refers to his “emotional difficulties”

10-27-47 “…we didn’t know of Robert’s

consulting a psychiatrist until we received

the letter from his pastor”.     




Ordained in 1954 for the Archdiocese of Louisville. Transferred to Reno NV in 1969, where he was incardinated in 1972. In 2002 at least nine women claimed that he abused them between the mid-1950s and in 1963 when they were minors in KY. He is also accused of molesting adult women in Reno. Louisville settled with eleven victims in 6/2003 as part of a $25.7M settlement. Bowling died in 6/2003. Included on the Louisville archdiocese’s list of accused in 2019. On the Las Vegas diocese’s list 4/12/2019.



Bowling is assigned to St. Rita, 3 accusations of sexual abuse there.



Bowling is assigned to St. Joe Prep in Bardstown.



Bowling is assigned to Holy Cross in Loretto, 6 accusations of sexual abuse there.



Miller admitted problem to Archbishop Floresch. Complaints in 1961 but Archbishop Floersh refused Miller’s resignation. Civil suits in 1990 and 1999 alleged that Miller abused minors. Settled out of court. Not removed until 3/2002 when earlier suits were revealed. Named in at least 94 civil suits in 2002-2003. Many settled in 6/2003 as part of large settlement. Pleaded guilty in 3/2003 to abuse of 21 children. Sentenced to 20 years in prison. Pleaded guilty in 6/2003 to abuse of 8 more children; received an additional 10-year sentence. Laicization announced in 11/2004. Incarcerated in 6/2014 at the Kentucky State Reformatory in Oldham County. Died 3/4/2017.

At least five reports of abuse to Fr. Vance, moved from Holy Spirit to St. Athanasius

Victim reports abuse to Fr. Moore at Trinity

 A mother was told by Vance that Miller’s abuse of children had to be kept secret

 Miller offers to resign after being removed from Holy Spirit


Assignment record, Links 30 documents **Page 21-25 


Links to 10 newspaper articles and list of 80 wolves accused in the Archdiocese of Louisville




Floersch fully informed of Miller’s abuse at St. Athanasius. By 1963 his abuse resulted in hundreds of acts of abuse and 2 transfers (pc)



Bowling is sent to Our Lady of Las Vegas where they had previously had 18 priests come and go in their 10 years. In a letter to Arch. McDonough 9-24-69 he thanks him for the … ”understanding… in this difficult situation” and 12-22-69 …”since my appointment here was of necessity very hurried.”

11 more victims came forward in 2002 in  Louisville and more in Reno.  Bowling Doc. 0079



McDonough appoints Fr. Louis Miller as  assistant at St. Aloysius.


Parents confront Miller, told the principal and Chancery. Were told “it will be taken care of”



McDonough informed of felony abuse by Miller at St. Aloysius. At least 15 victims from St. Aloysius joined the 2003 lawsuit.  Principal at St. Aloysius was never told of his past abusive history.  She reports abuse of one of her students to AOL.



Miller is made pastor of St. Elizabeth    



Paul Williamson and his mother Report Miller’s abuse to Sr. Alberta*



Mark Miller reports abuse to Fr. Deuer*?



Auxiliary Bishop Charles Maloney, who helped remove Miller from Holy Spirit in 1961 agreed to give the homily at Miller’s Silver Jubilee mass.


Fr. Dan Clark accused and admitted abuse to Arch. Kelly.



Fr. Dan Clark tells his pastor about his Involvement with some boys.


Kelly’s “strictly confidential” 3-9-83 memo**Page 18                                                                                                                    

to his file regarding Fr. Creagh’s admitted molestation of a 15 year old boy, for which Kelly will not remove Creagh from his parish and which he will keep secret from other  priests. He later states “I have told only  Bishop Maloney and do not intend to speak of it beyond Fr. Williams, who has been  informed by Father Duerr”        Dar 01320


6-14-83 Kelly writes a final 3 page memo**Page 18** stating Creagh’s guilt and diocesan official’s  8 recommendations including removal. Kelly states ”Fr. Creagh never had to be absent from the parish, nor has there been any scandal so for” and “ Fr. Creagh did not express remorse over the incident”.


 Fr. Creagh settles with victim for $20,000**Page18                                                                                                

after non-discloser statements are demanded  of the victim and his parents.  7-15-83  Fr. Ron Domhoff also knew of the situation.



According to Miller’s sworn testimony Kelly has been aware of his sexual abuse since the mid 80s


7-15 85 **Page3                                                                                                                                               

Bishop of Venice, FL wants a document from Kelly for his file, showing Creagh’s status and treatment.  


Fr. Tom Doyle sends The Manual to Kelly and all other US Bishops warning alerting to the danger ** of clergy sexually abusing children


Fr. Jim Lichtefeld write to Kelly warning about  Clark’s involvement with boys at St. Rita and is worried about a scandal   Clark doc. 0138



June 2nd letter to Arch. Kelly from**Page 7


Fr. Dan Clark where Clark tells Kelly that Kelly’s memo discussing Archbishop Kelly’s awareness Dr. O’Connor determined “that I would be that there was concern that Father Clark would be unable a liability to the ministry and church to minister effectively because of his past record of abuse

10/86                                                                                                                                                     Letter from Kelly to Clark appointing him**Page Chaplain at Baptist Highlands Hospital Cc Fr. James T. Pollard



AOL finally has Creagh evaluated by a psychiatrist



3-27-87 letter concerning moving Fr. Dan**Page 8

Clark to a chaplainship because of concern about “risking” him in a parish setting


4-14-87 memo referencing the Archdiocese’s concern over Fr. Clark keeping a low profile with school children. **Page8


Memo 5-6-88 to Kelly by Fr. B.J. Breen Re: Clark**Page8 describing a possible policy of procedures  in a pedophilia case but warning of the threat of the policy falling “into lawyers hands”. also, Breen suggests the AOL follow the policy of the us Bishops Conference.  


Kelly writes all of the priests in the Louisville**Page9

Archdiocese “One of our Brother Priests (Clark) has been arraigned on charges of child abuse” 


6-30-88       Re:Clark                                                                                                                                                Kelly forms a sexual abuse task force with:**Page 9

Rev. B. J. Breen as Chairman and members:

Rev. William L. Fichteman, Rev. Peyton Badgett, Mr. John Ford and Dr. Kent Hicks  Clark doc 0171

9-29-88** Page 11 Kelly’s memo informs Rev. B. J. Breen, Rev. Peyton Badgett and Rev. William Fichteman of Fr. Clark’s sentence and situation and that He is terrified of “doing it” again.



Clark pleads guilty to sex charges**Page11                                                                                   

regarding 2 boys. Admits to have been  spending time in a mental hospital in 1983. 



Kelly memo to Fr. B.J. Breen Cc Fichteman, Badgett Kelly told Clark that “we would worry about the effect on the community” if Fr. Clark were to go to prison.


11-8-88 **Page11    

Phone conversation between  Fr. William Fichteman to attorney John Ford Fr. Clark is free to serve as a priest but is not to have any contact with juveniles in the next fifteen years while on probation. Fichteman  advises Clark not to talk to reporter. 


6-2-89 a $207,000.00 settlement is made because of Clark’s abuse.


Another settlement is made with M. Mudd                                                                            1990 Re: Fr. James E. Hargadon

7-25-88 memo Fr. William Medley and Kelly, Twice criminally convicted of abuse in 2004 discuss a cheaper treatment program Received separate eight-year sentences in two for Clark, and will consult John Ford and counties. One man who lived in Texas said he reported John Maloney the abuse to Bishop Tschoepe of Dallas in about 1990.  

Apparently nothing was done.  




Letter describing the effects on a MS-6, his wife**Page 21 Miller’s Psychological report** Page21 and family. Re: Miller Miller Doc 0331-0333 Miller Doc 0411-0413           


Psychiatric evaluation by Tureen ** Page21

Kelly’s memo to: Medley, Breen, Rev. Cusack,**Page14 including Miller’s abuse history and transfers, John Ford and Dan Clark Re a probation prompted by the MS-6 complaint, which Brush officer warned that Dan can “have no contact with minimizes. children for the next 15 years” and ruled out any assignment to a parish or as a hospital chaplain. 4-13-90**Page 22

Clark doc 0253                                                    Handwritten letter noting Kelly’s 3-mouth silence after a meeting with MS-6 (a Miller victim) parents; Kelly seems to forget MS-6 is the victim                                                       

                                                                                8-15-90**Page 3           Re: Miller                                                                                                    

Kelly’s Memo to Medley, Breen urging that the Sacred Heart Home assignment be announced


Legal complaint alleging abuse of MS-6 by Miller And that other work be found for “Lou” **Page 22 in 6/77 and negligence of archdiocese **Page 22

                                                                                 11-20-90**Page 3                                                                                         10/9/90**Page3

Medley’s memo to file Re: meeting with Miller who Memo from Medley to Kelly on the possibility, if Our Lady filled Medley in on the reasons for the restrictions              of Peace won’t take Stoltz back after his sexual abuse treatment, he could be assigned to St. Williams


5-29-91**Page14                                                                            4-8-91**Page3                                                                                  

Note to Kelly from Medley cc Breen “Today I**  Kelly’s memo assigning Miller to Holy Name parish and made a follow-up call to Rev. Ted Hodge Director school with “certain restrictions” Cc to: Breen, Medley, of Chaplaincy Services at Baptist East Hospital, Pakenham **Page 22 regarding a discussion we had had in March about           the possibility of Fr. Dan Clark serving as Catholic                 


Chaplain to the hospital there”.  … “ He related Settlement and release with confidentially agreement for MS-6 that in recent months Dan has facilitated certain    **Page 22  self-help groups which have met on the hospital  premises”.                                                                                     

4-19-91**Page 3

 Kelly’s memo to file RE: Joe Stoltz Kelly has asked for and is getting a letter from Stoltz’s therapist that doesn’t mention that his therapy was mandatory so that a priest can inform the victim. “I too feel the need to silence(the victim) if possible”

Breen, Knott, Bentley and Hogan know. 


June 15

Medley’s Memo states that a victim accused Fr.


Kelly’s note to File. Re: Miller’s disclosing Joseph T. Herp of sexually abusing him and someone else an unspecified “serious personal problem”  and in 1978. Medley said he would discuss the matter with being treated, assigned to Sacred Heart Home and  Archbishop Kelly and Fr. Breen and that Herp would restricted. **Page 22 be confronted.         DAR 02760

Sued in 2002 and 2003 by four men alleging abuse 1970s-1980s. Archdiocese admitted in 5/2002 to other concerns about Herp in the 1970s. Police investigated in 1988 and 1990, while Herp was a police chaplain. Privileges permanently removed in 10/2002. In 2003, the archdiocesan review board substantiated the allegations. Laicization announced in 10/2005. Died 10/25/2013. Included on the archdiocese’s list of accused in 2019.




10-19-92 Re: Miller **Page 22

Letter to Kelly saying that MC-7 ( a Holy Spirit                            


Victim) who ultimately sued and was a complaining Kelly writes a Miller victim trying to encourage them witness in a criminal indictment ) was abused by a          not to go public. “ …it may be possible to provide

Xaverian Brother and by a priest at Holy Spirit. MS-7 an alternative to the public course you are currently

Wants to go public ; the priest is still in a parish, and contemplating”.**Page 22

There were other victims at Holy Spirit. 



Letter to Kelly identifying Miller, who was transferred from Holy Spirit after another boy told his father about abuse; stories were widespread; Kelly must be aggressive. **Page22-23


Andrew Wolfson’s Courier-Journal’s 10 page Report on Miller

A Priest’s Trouble Past

Abuse allegations followed Rev. Louis Miller through career



Miller’s Comments Indicate Archdiocese Officials Knew Decades Ago about Abuse

Peter Smith’s Courier-Journal 7 page Report on Miller




Letter form Kelly to Dr. Wagner Cc Medley Re: Mouser               


Stating that Medley recalled that Mouser had been previously accused .  “Medley says that if it happened today       “…Father Breen has advised you that we should we would have to report it. Although the incident had a not consider a formal assignment for Joe until some negative pastoral effect on the victim and the family, no resolution of his status is determined by his doctors complaint was ever filed with the chancery or with the and cleared with attorneys.”  “Given Joe’s history, courts, nor is there likely to be”. Saint William might be a very good assignment in that there are so few youth and children who participate in that parish”  Dar 04768-69


Letter to Breen from Medley

“This letter is to document a report of sexual abuse regarding the late Father Arthur Wood which we have previously discussed.”  The victim also relates that at the time as a child he heard that another young boy and his parents went to the rectory to lodge a complaint and the boy’s accusations were disbelieved. Wood Doc 001A


2-2-93 A defining moment in the Louisville Crisis **Page2 

Archdiocese of Louisville Statement of Policy and Procedures on Sexual Abuse, with a Letter by Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly (2/2/93) [Kelly cites the 11/19/92 NCCB Resolution, which in turn cites Pilarczyk’s 6/20/92 statement, which references Chopko’s 2/9/88 statement (all linked at the NCCB URL)]


Kelly’s states in his 2-2-93 letter ”The issue** of sexual abuse of minors…is a gravely serious matter. Whenever such abuse occurs, it causes inestimable pain and anguish among the victims and their families …”. “…when the abuser is someone whom children trust…a priest, the suffering and sense of shame are magnified”.


“Until recently**, very little was known about this serious disorder**.” …Today, we know that serious psycho-sexual disorders** like pedophilia requires sustained therapeutic treatment and that very often the offender** is a priest…any allegation of sexual abuse must be taken quite seriously”. …”above all, the Church must be ready to reach to victims and their families in ways that will help to sustain the difficult healing process”


“In the past, because our knowledge was limited and because we had little are no experience with this kind of serious disorder.** Church officials made mistakes…”


“…we are committed to action…to provide comfort and assistance in the healing process for

victims and their families…”  


**NOTE – The terms used downplays the Crimes Committed, i.e. issue, serious      disorder and offender while they claim ignorance “Until recently” and “In the past” about pedophilia.   



Cover letter enclosing “My Brother, Fr. Kevin Cole**Page 17-18

“He really liked children, especially little girls–he was probably somewhat of what would be called today a pedophiliac.”


1994 Letter to a Cole victim**Page18

Letter reporting little information about Cole “that might be of help to you in your process”

“I ask your pardon that somehow Fr. Kevin’s sickness has so invaded your life.” Bunnell was Vicar Provincial under Provincial Wayne Hellmann 



Letter enclosing a “paean” to Cole – apparently the “My Brother” obituary linked above

“I never quite knew of my brother’s alleged pedophilia … For those who may still be bothered about him: I advise–have mercy on yourself.”


3-24-94**Page18 Letter from Bunnell to a Cole Victim’s mother

Letter enclosing a $275 check, apparently for counseling, but balking at a request that the Conventual Franciscans cover credit card bills

“We know that Father Kevin was a sick man and want to reach out to any that he may have hurt.” The addressee is the mother of the victim Bunnell wrote to on 1994-01-31


1998 Letter from Wagner to Kelly Re: Fr. Thomas R Clark **Page16

 Letter summarizing psychological evaluation of Clark; “his early neighborhood interactions did seem unusually sexualized” and some tests show “a preoccupation with sexuality and possibly sexual maladjustment or confusion”; psychological tests can’t clearly indicate whether a person has committed pedophilia, nor can this evaluation clearly determine “the validity of an allegation” such as this.  The note goes on to say that the accuser should be psychologically evaluated



Memo from Reynolds to Kelly Re: Fr. Thomas Clark**Page17

 Memo describing meeting with S-1 who alleged that Clark sexually abused him “many times” beginning in about 1982 at age 14; alleged abuse included performing oral sex on the boy; “I think he was with other kids too”; tried for weeks to meet with Kelly, but secretary said to write a letter



Release signed by S-1 in settlement for $30K of his complaint against Clark when assigned at St. Benedict’s, All Saints, and St. Timothy’s, includes a nondisclosure agreement**Page17



Letter from Reynolds to Kelly and Walt Jones tells a pastor(Bill Burks) not to allow a Wood survivor access to the rectory (“ He was trying to resolve his feelings about the past and clarify his memory, to be at peace with his past,…”.”  where Wood allegedly abused him at St. Polycarp. Reynolds spoke with John Ford (attorney for the AOL) who said “it would do no one any good”.

“This story is consistent with the same years, priest and location reported by another victim in a settled case in 1995. This victim…” told us he was sure there were several other victims”