Church in Crisis

Victims Offer Support

Archdiocese To Pay

Rev. Arthur Wood

Rev. Daniel Clark

Sexual Abuse and Cover-Up
in the Louisville Archdiocese
Documents and Other Resources

This page presents documents and other resources for understanding the sex-abuse and cover-up crisis in the Archdiocese of Louisville during the episcopates of four men: Archbishops John A. Floersh (1924-1967), Thomas J. McDonough (1967-1981), Thomas C. Kelly OP (1981-2007), and Joseph E. Kurtz (2007-present). The events documented on this page were personally disastrous for the many hundreds of victims of sexual abuse by Louisville clergy and for the thousands of family members who helped the victims cope with a callous and even malevolent system. Catholics in Louisville and surrounding communities found their faith shaken, while beyond the archdiocese, people across the country watched a remarkable drama unfold.

The Uniqueness of Louisville

Four powerful factors have combined to transform the years since 2002 into years of reckoning for the Catholic church: courageous survivors who will not be intimidated or silenced; attorneys and prosecutors obtaining justice and social change through the courts; reporters and editors willing to pursue a complex and horrifying story; and judges who allowed the discovery of church files. We have seen these ingredients combine in various ways from Boston to Los Angeles, but their combination was particularly explosive in the Louisville archdiocese.

Nowhere else have so many brave survivors been willing to come forward by name, and nowhere else has a newspaper presented the survivors’ accounts as the Courier-Journal has done. Reporting by the newspaper was world class, particularly in 2002, when its exposure of secret church documents and thorough investigations matched those of any paper in the country, including the Boston Globe, which won a Pulitzer for its work.

The Louisville Documents

The archdiocesan documents were the source from which all the revelations came. The files contain reports of abuse and evidence of notice received by the archdiocese. We find the paper trails of priests transferred to unsuspecting parishes – and even moved to other dioceses – after a survivor comes forward. We see victims sweet-talked and pressured into unjust settlements, and treated most cruelly if they fight back. We find a beautiful-sounding policy ignored again and again. We even find poignant statements by the survivors themselves, preserved in the files of the institution where they suffered their abuse.

Now for the first time, the Louisville files can be read by the people of the Louisville archdiocese and by Americans and interested persons around the world. This crisis is now breaking in Belgium, Chile, and other countries, where bad bureaucracy and managerial cowardice are being uncovered, just as they have been in the Louisville archdiocese.

Below we provide a selection of survivor witness from the archdiocesan archives. Every scrap of information that has surfaced from the crisis has emerged from moments of individual courage and dignity like these. Then we offer an easy-to-explore collection of documents that show some of the failures of management in the Louisville archdiocese. Unfortunately, despite the many revelations of recent years, complicit church managers and problematic systems have endured. Next we offer a selection from the Courier-Journal’s excellent coverage. And then we provide hundreds of pages of the files themselves. The files are presented with assignment records for each priest and profiles of the survivors. would like to thank the many Louisville survivors and advocates who patiently educated us and helped with redactions. We would also like to thank the attorneys who permitted us access to the documents.


Documents of Survivor Witness


Documents Showing Failures in Management


The Courier-Journal’s Achievement

The Courier-Journal has played a major role in covering the Catholic sexual abuse crisis in the Louisville archdiocese. Here are some especially important articles:



The Documents

Note from We have been able to determine the names of 63 Louisville clerics accused of molesting minors. (See our Database of Accused Priests, Nuns, Brothers, Deacons, and Seminarians.) Note that even for the 20 priests whose files we are examining, the archdiocesan documents offer only a partial record. It is not unusual for a survivor to mention notice given to the archdiocese that is not reflected in the files. Some files tell us much about the archdiocesan culture, but little or nothing about the alleged abuse. Nor are these gaps unique to the Louisville archdiocesan files. But the Louisville documents still provide a remarkable window into abuse and cover-up in the Louisville archdiocese and into the experience of survivors. Selections from the files of the following priests are now online:

| Daniel C. Clark | Thomas R. Clark | Kevin Cole OFM Conv | Thomas P. Creagh |
| C. Patrick Creed | Robert J. Dollinger | Louis E. Miller | Arthur L. Wood |

Rev. Daniel C. Clark

 Clark’s assignments
 Clark survivors


Description From To Date Bates Start Stop Comments
 Letter describing Clark’s poor performance and probation as a seminarian Brown Hanrahan 1977-07-19 CLARK.DOC 0011 0012
 Positive reference regarding Clark’s work at St. Barnabas in Indianapolis, where his tasks included youth work Sciarra Sr. Debra 1977-11-30 CLARK.DOC 0067
 Letter from the rector of Mt. St. Mary’s attaching a negative faculty evaluation and a plan for slow-tracking Clark Favret McDonough 1978-04-19 CLARK.DOC 0059 0061
 Evaluation by faculty of Clark’s poor performance at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Cincinnati, also noting that “he enjoys very much working with youth and has been working in a camp for several summers” Faculty 1978-04 CLARK.DOC 0045
 Reference praising Clark’s summer work at St. Lawrence in Lawrenceburg IN, especially in the youth program, which grew considerably Female Parishioner 2 Brown 1978-07-23 CLARK.DOC 0068 Redacted. Wife of MP-3
 Reference praising Clark’s summer work in Lawrenceburg IN on Knights of Columbus Youth Programs, Little League, and scouting, including work with the author’s son and “a great number of boys” Male Parishioner 3 Brown 1978-07-30 CLARK.DOC 0069 Redacted. Husband of FP-2
 Memo describing a 9/20/78 meeting with Clark, who is having trouble in seminary but “has many good talents” McDonough File 1978-09-21 CLARK.DOC 0039
 Detailed report by Louisville’s Vocation Director on Clark’s seminary situation, urging that the faculty vote on whether he continue; in a training assignment, he was “an inspiration to the youth” Brown 1979-05 CLARK.DOC 0053 0058
 Letter reporting that the faculty voted 11-1-1 in favor of Clark, thereby clearing his way to ordination Brown McDonough 1979-06-19 CLARK.DOC 0050 0051
 Schema of Documents and Assurances Required for Reception of Orders, including no irregularities “ex defectu” or “ex delicto” i.e., from a defect or a crime 1979 CLARK.DOC 0094 0095
 Formation Team’s Summative Evaluation, not making a recommendation on ordination, but discussing good pastoral assessments, indifferent academic work, a lack of integration with the seminary community, and anger 1980-04-22 CLARK.DOC 0093
 The Evaluation Team did not want to recommend or not recommend Clark for ordination, but Breslin provides the necessary recommendation Breslin McDonough 1980-05-12 CLARK.DOC 0091
 Letter appointing Clark to St. Rita’s in Louisville, effective 6/18/80 McDonough DCClark 1980-05-31 CLARK.DOC 0096
 Letter about a financial disagreement with the archdiocese, also providing information on scouting assignments DCClark Steinmetz 1981-02-10 CLARK.DOC 0105 0107
 Letter transferring Clark to St. Dominic’s in Springfield, after only two years at St. Rita’s Kelly DCClark 1982-05-24 CLARK.DOC 0110
 Letter apologizing to a boy for an unspecified offense and stating that “I am no longer counseling anyone … the only project that I want to finish is the drinking thing with the high
school people”; “Saint D’s was ‘your’ church long before I came. I hope that you will be able
to continue to come to it … I failed you”
DCClark Survivor 2 1982-10-18 0337 Name of the addressee redacted as Survivor 2; note that it is possible that Clark’s relationship with the boy was not sexual
 Letter transferring Clark to St. John Vianney and St. Leo the Great parishes, effective 6/25/83, after only one year at St. Dominic’s Kelly DCClark 1983-06-08 0127
 Letter reporting what the St. Dominic’s pastor learned in a meeting with Clark, who wants to go on leave, though Dr. O’Connor does not recommend it, and is just going through the motions with Mass and prayer; Clark is infatuated with a woman, possibly the mother of Survivor 2, is spending much time with both, and reacted strongly when discussing with Lichtefeld S-2 and Clark’s “involvement with some High School boys at St. Rita … because I was going back to his past problem”; Clark “had or has nothing to do with S-2 in that way, since he doesn’t want to get himself involved in another such problem”; “if he stays here and continues as he is he will be causing scandal eventually” Lichtefeld Kelly 1985-07-31 0135 0138 Redacted
 Text of announcement to go in the 8/15/85 issue of The Record, the archdiocesan newspaper, that Kelly has granted Clark leave effective 8/9/85 Fichteman Record 1985-08-02 0144
 Memo summarizing Clark’s reasons for seeking a leave; Kelly mentions the woman Clark is involved with, but does not mention her son, Survivor 2, or the other boys mentioned in Lichtefeld’s letter; “Dr. O’Connor opposed Dan’s wish to take a leave” Kelly File 1985-08-09 0134 Redacted
 Memo stating that Kelly has accepted Clark back into active ministry Fichteman Steinmetz 1986-05-05 0146
 Letter discussing Clark’s meeting with Fichteman and O’Connor about returning to ministry in an institution, laicization, or remaining on leave DCClark Kelly 1986-06-02 0156
 Memo about discussion with Gluhm about Clark’s living with the Holy Cross brothers and saying daily Mass for them except on Sunday, when he would be a Sunday substitute; “we would be particularly concerned … that he would have no involvement whatsoever with students at Holy Cross High School” Fichteman 1986-07-11 0149 0150
 Brief letter replying to Clark’s 6/2/86 letter Kelly DCClark 1986-07-29 0155
 Letter outlining prospective assignments at Highland Baptist Hospital, with the Holy Cross brothers, and on weekend supply; “Will Dan’s residing at a high school get us into a problem if he becomes acquainted with students?” and can he keep a commitment “not to be involved in any way at the high school”? Fichteman O’Connor 1986-08-04 0152 0153
 Note confirming that Clark begins living with the Holy Cross brothers at the high school on about 9/1/86 1986-09-01 0147
 Letter appointing Clark chaplain effective 10/13/86 at Highlands Baptist Hospital, where he has also begun training Kelly DCClark 1986-10-08 0148
 On meeting with Clark to discuss his chaplaincy and training at Highlands Baptist, his work and residence with the Holy Cross brothers, his substituting at SS. Simon and Jude, and his helping out at our Lady of Peace Hospital Fichteman 1986-11-11 0157 0158
 Memo discussing Clark’s problems at Highlands Baptist and asking O’Connor’s advice about Clark’s “readiness for a parish assignment” at SS. Simon and Jude; “we are obviously still concerned about risking Dan in
a parish setting”
Fichteman O’Connor 1987-03-27 0411 0412
 Memo about meeting with Jensen and Clark to discuss Highlands Baptist, including Clark’s tendency to be over-involved and over-extended Fichteman 1987-04-10 0162
 Memo on meeting with Clark and Gentile, the pastor of SS. Simon and Jude, to plan Clark’s assignment there, including hospital visits and RCIA; “Fr. Fichteman then mentioned the diocese’s concern over Fr. Clark’s keeping a low profile with school children. Fr. Gentile said that he understood this need and will be vigilant concerning it.” Fichteman 1987-04-14 0163 0164
 Letter transferring Clark to SS. Simon and Jude effective 6/10/87, from his “current responsibility
as Chaplain to the Holy Cross Brothers, Holy Cross
High School”; the Highlands Baptist Hospital chaplaincy will continue
Kelly DCClark 1987-05-19 0165
 Memo that suggests “following the ‘Checklist for Response’ that the
U. S. Catholic Conference suggests we follow when one of our priests is
accused of pedophilia”; a team is proposed; the “policy of procedures” could be sent to priests, though Covington feared it would fall into the hands of plaintiffs’ lawyers; one item is “Examine relevant files.  ??”
Breen Kelly 1988-05-06 0172
 Phone call with boy at St. Dominic’s, transcribed by Louisville’s Crimes Against Children Unit; MS-5 talks about “you getting down on top of me” and Clark says “it was all my fault”; abuse of MS-3 is also alleged Male Survivor 5 and DCClark 1988-06-14 Names of MS-5 and MS-3 are redacted. This transcript was filed with the court as an attachment to the Commonwealth’s Response to Court’s Pre-Trial Discovery Order
 Indictment – Special Instructions, noting that “Father Clark is currently involved in counseling other juveniles” Miller 1988-06-17 Clark’s Social Security number is redacted.
 Grand jury’s three-count charge of deviate sexual intercourse with MS-5 under age 12 and with MS-5 and MS-3 under age 14 1988-06-22
 Letter stating that “those who made these charges” are our “first concern” and will be offered “practical assistance”; Clark has been offered “prayerful and fraternal support”; contact him through the chancery to express sympathy; “the publicity surrounding these events affects all of us” Kelly Priests 1988-06-23 0166
 News clipping: “Roman Catholic priest charged with sodomizing two children,” Courier-Journal 1988-06-23 0297
 Letter complaining about Fichteman’s public statement regarding the indictment of Clark, who “has made a matchless contribution to SS. Simon and Jude parish … he has individually counseled a number of children” Female Parishioner 1 Kelly 1988-06-24 0170 Parishioner’s name redacted.
 Letter responding to the SS. Simon and Jude parishioner, thanking her for her “very kind letter” about Clark but supporting Fichteman Kelly Female Parishioner 1 1988-06-30 0169 Parishioner’s name and address redacted.
 Memo formalizing the task force proposed by Breen for dealing with allegations of sexual abuse and used when Clark was indicted Kelly Breen 1988-06-30 0171 Kelly references Breen’s checklist, presumably the one contained in Breen’s 5/6/88 checklist
 Handwritten notes about additional allegations; the police told Rev. Michael Greenwell, O.Carm. about two men alleging abuse by Clark at Rough River Camp; Rev. Thomas P. Casper called to say 2 or 3 more people had gone to the police, and “there might be others out there suffering. Pastoral healing needs to be done.” Unsigned 1988-07-07 0278 Greenwell was a prist assigned to the archdiocesan St. Francis DeSales High School; Casper was one of two adjutant vicars in the tribunal
 Handwritten notes about discussing the new allegations with Clark, who is staying at the Passionist Monastery; “the Passionists have been super”; “I expressed that Archbishop Kelly was asking about him” Unsigned 1988-07-12 0417
 Letter replying to parishioner who had supported Clark and complained about Fichteman’s statements to the press when Clark was indicted Fichteman Female Parishioner 1 1988-07-13 0173 0174 Name of parishioner redacted.
 Letter notifying Clark, St. Rita’s, and the archdiocese that Survivor 3 has hired George to represent him and inviting them to discuss reaching “an amicable settlement” George DCClark et al. 1988-07-14 0271 0273 Redacted
 Letter advising the insurance company of “a potential civil claim for damages arising out of pending criminal charges” against Clark (encloses George’s 7/14/88 letter) Ford Reisert Insurance 1988-07-21 0175
 Letter advising the insurance company of Survivor 3’s potential civil claim Ford Catholic Mutual 1988-07-21 0176
 Memo about paying for Clark’s stay at the Passionist Monastery, which began on 6/21/88; Clark “says that his lawyer – at least for the present – feels that delay will benefit everyone”; the Passionists “are willing to have him stay indefinitely” Kelly Steinmetz 1988-07-28 0279
 Response to Pre-Trial Discovery Order, containing detailed descriptions of the alleged sexual abuse of Survivors 5 and 3 by Clark (the transcript of phone call from Survivor 5 to Clark is attached) 1988-07-29
 Commonwealth’s Offer on Guilty Plea, specifying recommended penalties if Clark pleads guilty 1988-09-23
 Memo describing Clark’s guilty pleas and media inquiries about his status (“still on administrative leave and without an assignment, unable to function publicly as a priest”) and whereabouts (“living in a religious community setting in the area”) Fichteman Kelly 1988-09-23 0180 Name redacted of other priest whose surgery is also discussed in this memo
 News Clipping: “Priest pleads guilty to sex charges involving 2 boys he had counseled,” Courier-Journal Willis 1988-09-24 0167
 Memo describing a 9/27/88 meeting with Clark, who will do his days-of-service sentence at the Passionists’ St. Agnes parish and will sleep in the jail; O’Connor opposes drug treatment but Clark wants it because “he is terrified of ‘doing it’ again”; at SS. Simon and Jude and Highlands Baptist, “I tasted priesthood for the first time” Kelly Breen et al. 1988-09-29 0181 0182
 Memo about the prosecutor’s misgivings about the plea agreement, with 11/4/88 handwritten note by Breen, “3 months in jail and 15 months probation” Kelly Breen et al. 1988-10-31 0420
 Guilty Plea and Sentence 1988-11-04
 Order of Probation Conditional Discharge 1988-11-04
 News Clipping: “Priest who abused boys is sentenced” 1988-11-04 0168
 Memo describing phone call with attorney Ford about Clark’s 90-day sentence at Community Treatment Center, probation (which Ford thinks could include “weekend substitute on an emergency basis as long as he has no contact with children”), and a possible anonymous interview with Clark, “supposedly a concession that Judge Corey made to keep the media from berating him for leniency in Dan’s case” Fichteman 1988-11-08 0185
 Handwritten notes on meeting with Maloney in which he said that Clark is cross-addicted to drugs and sex, and should have in-patient treatment for both after 90-day “experience of punishment” in jail; then if he stays clean for a year working in a chaplaincy, perhaps he could work in a chemical dependency unit; O’Connor doesn’t understand Clark’s addictions Fichteman 1988-11-14 0186
 Memo describing talk with Ms. Judith Matheny as advisor on in-patient therapy after jail, possibly at Golden Valley, and as possible therapist Fichteman Kelly 1988-11-23 0187
 Memo about phone call with O’Connor, who says that “any long-term prognosis is guarded” and that “as long as it’s not too evangelistic the [cross-addiction] treatment might be okay” but that he’d be willing to continue seeing Clark to “help keep him honest”; apropos another priest, O’Connor “has spies everywhere” Fichteman 1988-11-28 0341 Redacted
 Summons and Complaint of Survivor 3 1988-12-09 0190 0193 Redacted
 Letter on the corporate status of the archdiocese and its parishes and on liability coverage Ford Rattliff 1988-12-27 0188
 Cover letter enclosing an affidavit for use in getting the USCC out of the Survivor 3 case Ford Kelly 1989-01-25 0194
 Affidavit about USCC stating that its “function is social action, but it does not legislate or dictate terms to any of the bishops … [and]
exercises no control”
Kelly 1989-01-26 0195
 Male Survivor 3’s Settlement Release, Receipt, and Indemnity Agreement 1989-05-05 0202 0209
 Order Dismissing Male Survivor 3’s Suit upon Settlement 1989-06-19 0200 0201
 Memo reporting talk with Clark about the idea of an institutional treatment program, which Kelly’s receptive to; O’Connor thought moving to rectory living might be good, but “the proximity to parish children and youth could leave the Church liable”; if Clark ultimately wants a hospital job, “any hospital that does offer pediatric services might be very reluctant to accept Dan” Medley Kelly 1989-06-28 0196 0197
 Male Survivor 3’s Mutual Release 1989-07-12 0210 0213
 Letter about Clark’s probation officer relaxing his restrictions, and his interest in using an in-patient program to prepare to work in the chemical dependency field, and his certification by the National Association of Catholic Chaplains needing only Kelly’s approval (the last item is underlined, with ?? written in the margin) DCClark Medley 1989-07-13 0198 0199
 Letter about Clark’s interest in an in-patient program or perhaps training at Golden Valley with friend Maloney; Clark has his one-year anniversary with Sex Addicts Anonymous and is now sponsoring others DCClark Medley 1989-07-19 0331 0332
 Letter describing Clark’s pressing for in-patient experience, although it was counterindicated DCClark Medley 1989-08-01 0330
 Brochure: Healing the Wounds, and Counseling the Sexual Addict, with check Laaser 1989-09-25 0326 0329
 Letter thanking Kelly for sending him to the workshop, whose leader “shared with me a letter requesting information on addiction/recovery from Rev. Thomas Doyle, O.P. who is associated with the Congregation for Clergy in Rome. The information will assist discernment of appropriateness in returning Clergy to active public ministry who have acted out sexually. We were relieved that the Church is actively seeking out information considering the projected economic devastation that this disease will cause.” DCClark Kelly 1989-10-04 0220 0221
 Personal Preference Form, describing Clark’s “special ministry” and work in “addictionology” and claiming that he only learned recently that “some kind of restrictions have been placed on my future ministry by Attorneys” DCClark 1989-11-28 0216 0219 Clark’s social security number has been redacted.
 Memo on meeting with Clark about the restrictions; “Ford did not see anyway clear for the archbishop to ever assign or even sanction Dan in a ministerial role so long as the restrictions of his probation were in effect”; for example, no nursing home chaplaincy, and no confession given at 12-step meetings Medley 1990-01-17 0251 0252
 Memo to about call from new probation officer, Joyce Aldrich, about Clark’s restrictions Kelly 1990-05-11 0253
 Memo about phone call with the chaplaincy head of Baptist East (where Maloney works) about “troubling information” that Clark smelled of alcohol during unofficial meetings at the hospital; a follow-up call revealed that Clark was drinking at the Passionist Monastery; Medley was “somewhat perplexed” that the Passionists were unconcerned that a recovering alcoholic would drink; “Obviously this is a matter of grave concern, given the interdependence
of addictive behaviors.”
Medley Kelly 1991-05-29 0258
 Letter discussing what seems like a priest support group including Clark and Rev. Joseph Stolz; Clark appears to envision a role as confidant for offending priests, alludes to police stings of offending clergy, and foresees “pending financial mayhem” in the church DCClark Kelly 1992-04-27 0312 0313
 Memo reacting skeptically to Clark’s 4/27/92 letter, saying that Clark was never very involved with his fellow priests and would need to remedy that lack before being a credible confidant Medley Kelly 1992-05-18 0289 0290
 Bemused memo asking to confer before replying to Clark’s 4/27/92 letter; “It has taken me three days to figure out what Dan is talking about here, and perhaps I’m still not sure.” Kelly Medley 1992-05-18 0311
 Letter about participation in a segment of Ed Bradley’s “Street Stories” TV show, apparently about sexual problems among clergy; mentions Berlin, Conners, and St. Luke’s and worries about negative coverage DCClark Breen 1992-07-31 0269 0270
 Detailed letter about his therapy and projects, including a priest support group, Greater Louisville Council on Sexual Health and Addiction for which he is executive director, Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings, and auditing of tribunal cases at the request of Very Rev. Peyton R. Badgett, the judicial vicar DCClark Kelly 1993-06-03 0300 0302
 Granting of the rights of citizenship Governor Brereton C. Jones 1994-01-12 0387
 Order restoring Clark’s right to vote and hold office upon the end of his shortened term of probation on 11/4/93 1994-01-12 0388
 List of Clark’s activities and ministries DCClark Jenkins 1995-01-30 0355 0357
 Letter enclosing the 1/30/95 list DCClark Kelly and Jenkins 1995-02-21 0354
 Letter notifying the archdiocese that Clark will be on a month-long vacation in Indiana and Pennsylvania DCClark Crawford 1995-10-02 0352
 Letter providing Clark’s summary of his 1995 activities and ministries DCClark Kelly 1996-03-31 0360 0362
 Brief letter thanking Clark for his list of activities; “It is an impressive record.
Keep on doing good things!”
Kelly DCClark 1996-04-17 0358
 Note: “I am to receive an even more detailed letter! I can’t imagine.” Jenkins Kelly 1996-04 0359
 Confidential Release and Indemnification Agreement Survivor 4 1997-05-23 0003 0006 Redacted by archdiocese
 Letter of thanks for encouragement at a special meeting; “We have traveled quite a road over the years and the unfailing support I have felt from you has been constant.” DCCark Kelly 2001-10-29 0386



Rev. Thomas R. Clark

• Clark’s assignments

Description From To Date Bates Start Stop Comments
 Letter expressing interest in joining the Missionary Brothers of Charity; “In case you may be wondering, I am not a ‘problem’ priest.” Clark Br. Andrew 1980-12-31 DAR 05759 05760
 Letter explaining departure from Holy Spirit in Jamestown and interest in the Missionary Brothers of Charity Clark Parishioners 1981-05-02 DAR 05756
 Letter granting Clark’s request that he be released from active priestly service McDonough Br. Jeremy 1981-05-07 DAR 05579
 Letter telling parishioners of his upcoming 3-month sabbatical in Rome Clark Parishioners 1995-01-17 DAR 05713 05715
 Letter explaining the process of review before renewal of pastor’s term Jenkins Clark 1996-07-26 DAR 05663 05664
 Sample of the letter sent to persons reviewing the pastor Jenkins Reviewer 1996-08 DAR 05665
 Letter enclosing Clark’s appraisal of his pastorate at St. Timothy’s Jenkins Boland 1996-09-26 DAR 05660
 Memo of understanding in Clark’s review, containing commendations signed by Boland and comments and clarifications signed by Clark Boland and
Jenkins 1996-10-29 DAR 05661 05662
 Letter summarizing psychological evaluation of Clark; “his early neighborhood interactions did seem unusually sexualized” and some tests show “a preoccupation with sexuality and possibly sexual maladjustment or confusion”; psychological tests can’t clearly indicate whether a person has committed pedophilia, nor can this evaluation clearly determine “the validity of an allegation” such as this Wagner Kelly 1998-03-16 DAR 05562 05563
 Memo describing meeting with S-1 who alleged that Clark sexually abused him “many times” beginning in about 1982 at age 14; alleged abuse included performing oral sex on the boy; “I think he was with other kids too”; tried for weeks to meet with Kelly, but secretary said to write a letter Reynolds Kelly 1998-01-28 DAR 05560 05561 S-1’s name redacted; girlfriend’s first name redacted; several identifying details redacted.
 Memo stating that Clark had been tested by Dr. Wagner, who found no problems indicating “even a possibility” of S-1’s allegations; S-1 “made an appointment, failed to show up, and has not been heard from since. May we assume this case is dormant?” Kelly Reynolds
No Date DAR 05707 S-1’s name redacted.
 Release signed by S-1 in settlement for $30K of his complaint against Clark when assigned at St. Benedict’s, All Saints, and St. Timothy’s Survivor-1 1998-04-07 DAR 05890 05893 S-1’s name redacted



Rev. Kevin Cole

 Cole’s assignments
 Cole survivors


Description From To Date Bates Start Stop Comments
Conventual Franciscan obituary about Cole 1991-09-25 FKC 00098
My Brother: Obituary about Cole Russan 1991-09-25 FKC 00097 Russan Cole was Kevin Cole’s older brother, also a priest. He was ordained in 1951.
Cover letter enclosing “My Brother” Russan Ambrose 1993-07-14 FKC 00100 00101 “He really liked children, especially little girls–he was probably somewhat of what would be called today a pedophiliac.”
Letter reporting little information about Cole “that might be of help to you in your process” Bunnell Cole victim 1994-01-31 FKC 00289 “I ask your pardon that somehow Fr. Kevin’s sickness has so invaded your life.” Bunnell was Vicar Provincial under Provincial Wayne Hellmann
Letter enclosing a “paean” to Cole – apparently the “My Brother” obituary linked above Russan Adam 1994-03-07 FKC 00258 “I never quite knew of my brother’s alleged pedophilia … For those who may still be bothered about him: I advise–have mercy on yourself.”
Letter enclosing a $275 check, apparently for counseling, but balking at a request that the Conventual Franciscans cover credit card bills Bunnell Mother of Cole victim 1994-03-24 FKC 00256 00257 “We know that Father Kevin was a sick man and want to reach out to any that he may have hurt.” The addressee is the mother of the victim Bunnell wrote to on 1994-01-31.


Rev. Thomas P. Creagh

 Creagh’s assignments
 Creagh survivors


Description From To Date Bates Start Stop Comments
 “Strictly confidential” memo to the file regarding Creagh’s admitted molestation of 15-year-old MS-15, for which Kelly will not remove Creagh from his parish, and which he’ll keep secret from other priests Kelly 1983-03-19 DAR 01320 Name of MS-15 is redacted, as are his parents’ names.
 Memo about the financial negotiations with MS-15’s parents, while Creagh left on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land Kelly 1983-06-14 DAR 01315 01317 Name of MS-15 is redacted
 Release for $20K with confidentiality provisions MS-15 1983-07-15 DAR 01288 01291 Name of MS-15 is redacted
 Letter asking for a document from Kelly for the Venice FL file, showing Creagh’s status and treatment, if any, in light of the bishops’ Collegeville meeting about abuse Nevins Kelly 1985-07-15 DAR 01328 01329
 Memo documenting Medley’s refusal to intervene when a parishioner complained about Creagh allowing a pro-choice speaker at St. Ignatius parish and Creagh’s extravagant church renovations Medley Kelly
1992-01-17 DAR 01576
 Letter reappointing Creagh to St. Ignatius but suggesting that the reappointment not be reported in the archdiocesan newspaper Kelly Creagh 1993-05-13 DAR 01490
 Bluntly lukewarm “recommendation” for Creagh to study theology at the North American School in Rome Kelly 1993-10-08 DAR 01491 01492
 Legal complaint asserting that the concealment inherent in the archdiocese’s failure to report had tolled the statute MS-15 2002-05-02 DAR 01303 01308 Name of MS-15 is redacted
 Letter from a woman who was a girl in Creagh’s parish, describing the priests flirtatiousness and sexualized behavior with with her brothers Parishioner Nett
 Letter stating that Creagh abused MS-16 in 1974 when the boy was a sophomore at Trinity HS and Creagh was in his first year at Our Lady of Lourdes; MS-16 remembers “every horrifying detail” of “that horrific evening in his rectory bedroom”, before which MS-16 was groomed with dinners at nice restaurants MS-16 Kelly 2002-05-07 01281 Name of MS-16 is redacted
 Letter removing Creagh from ministry and assigning him to a life of prayer and penance Kelly Creagh 2002-07-23 DAR 01592 01593



Rev. C. Patrick Creed

• Creed’s assignments

Description From To Date Bates Start Stop Comments
 List of assignments Chancery File Unknown DAR 00504
 Letter suggesting that “hard to place” priests are better assigned to urban parishes, rather than rural one where they will likely be the sole priest Creed Members of the Personal Commission 1972-03-28 DAR 00778
 Personnel record and questionnaire Chancery File 1972 DAR 00823 00826
 Letter on priests filing taxes as self-employed Creed Jenkins 1996-07-02 DAR 00854


Rev. Robert J. Dollinger

 Dollinger’s assignments
 Dollinger survivors


Description From To Date Bates Start Stop Comments
Letter from a young parishioner at St. Thomas in Bardstown, complaining about Dollinger’s sermons and how boring his Masses are; not an abuse complaint, though the writer mentions in passing that Dollinger only has time for “his boy scouts” Edelen Archbishop McDonough 1973-02-05 DAR 00994 00997
Letter from the chancellor acknowledging receipt of Edelen’s letter Hanrahan Edelen 1973-02-09 DAR 00993
Letter requesting permission to share her letter with Dollinger McDonough Edelen 1973-02-13 DAR 00992
Memo about Dollinger’s brief assignment at Holy Redeemer in Greensburg, which Kelly had to terminate for unspecified reasons; Dollinger wants to go back to St. Augustine’s in Lebanon, but might consider Prince Edward Island; “future assignment is difficult” Kelly File 1983-09-27 DAR 01019
Notes stating that MS-19’s father ran the farm while Dollinger was assigned to St. Thomas parish; MS-19 is referred to as “the other victim”; notes also mention appointment for evaluation by Hampe (see 1/17/94 letter) Chancery File 1994-01-11 DAR 00880 MS-19’s name is redacted. Dated January 11 but with no year specified
Letter providing a psychological evaluation of Dollinger and his admitted abuse of MS-20 during scout camping; Hampe doesn’t know about “the other victim”; Dollinger’s parishioners are “safe” and the abuse of MS-20 is not part of a pattern Hampe Kelly 1994-01-17 DAR 00882 00884 MS-20’s name is redacted.
Letter paraphrasing and softening Hampe’s evaluation and recommending to Bishop Fougere that Dollinger can continue to minister in the Charlottetown diocese Kelly Bishop Fougere 1994-02-09 DAR 00887
Memo on phone call with MS-21, who is MS-20’s brother; MS-21 confirmed that MS-20 was abused by Dollinger, and also stated that he himself was abused also; their brother MS-22 committed suicide recently and they fear he was a victim too Kelly File 1994-05-10 DAR 00886 Three brothers’ names redacted, and phone number too
Letter assuring MS-20 that Dollinger is retiring from public ministry and will supposedly live in retirement; Kelly asks MS-20 to inform his brother MS-21 and his two sisters Kelly MS-20 1994-05-27 No Bates Names of MS-20, MS-21, and their two sisters are redacted, and the street address of MS-20
Memo of a phone call with MS-20’s sister, unhappy that Dollinger “should be in even a remote possibility of further abuse to children” and “he’s getting away with it again”; Kelly complains that “she talked forever” Kelly File Unknown DAR 00890 Sister’s name and phone numbers redacted
Letter informing Dollinger’s brother of the outcome of a review of Dollinger’s situation Kelly Rev. Cletus E. Dollinger 1999-09-28 DAR 00870
Letter listing parishes where Dollinger served, including an apparently restricted situation just before he moved to Canada Sister of MS-20 MS-20
2002-06-20 No Bates Names of MS-20 and MS-21 redacted
Letter restricting Dollinger’s ministry Kelly Rev. Robert Dollinger 2002-07-22 DAR 01136 01137



Rev. Louis E. Miller

 Miller’s assignments
 Miller’s survivors


Description From To Date Bates Start Stop Comments
 Letter describing the effects of the abuse on MS-6, his wife, and their family Wife of MS-6 Kelly
1990-01-22 MILLER.DOC 0331 0333 Names of MS-6 (whom Miller admitted he abused at St. Elizabeth of Hungary) and of MS-6’s wife redacted
 Psychological report Tureen 1990-01-26 MILLER.DOC 0411 0413
 Psychiatric evaluation including Miller’s abuse history and transfers, prompted by the MS-6 complaint, which Brush minimizes Brush Kelly 1990-03-01 MILLER.DOC 0405 0410 Encloses Tureen’s 1/26/90 report (above)
 Handwritten letter noting Kelly’s 3-month silence after a meeting with MS-6’s parents; Kelly seems to forget that MS-6 is the victim Parents of MS-6 Kelly 1990-04-13 MILLER.DOC 0329 0330 Names of MS-6 and of his parents redacted
 Letter about Miller’s unassigned status and the pain it causes him Kelly Wagner 1990-05-15 MILLER.DOC 0404
 Memo urging that the Sacred Heart Home assignment be announced and that other work be found for “Lou”, who is embarrassed to be without assignment and is interested in Ascension Kelly Medley
1990-08-15 MILLER.DOC 0165
 Legal complaint alleging abuse of MS-6 by Miller in 6/77 and negligence of archdiocese MS-6
Wife of MS-6
1990-08-20 MILLER.DOC 0316 0320 Names of MS-6 and his wife redacted with addresses
 Memo on Medley’s meeting with Miller, who filled Medley in on the reasons for the restrictions; Miller asked for expanded nursing home ministry and prison ministry Medley File 1990-11-20 MILLER.DOC 0074
 Memo assigning Miller to Holy Name parish and school with “certain restrictions” Kelly Breen
1991-04-08 MILLER.DOC 0115
 Settlement and release with confidentiality agreement MS-6
Wife of MS-6
et al.
1991-05-11 MILLER.DOC 0308 0315 Names of MS-6 and his wife redacted; their names already redacted in some places
 Memo for the record about Miller’s disclosing an unspecified “serious personal problem” and being treated, assigned to Sacred Heart Home, and restricted Kelly File 1992-06 MILLER.DOC 0161
 Letter saying that MS-7 [a Holy Spirit victim who ultimately sued and was a complaining witness in criminal indictment] was abused by a Xaverian brother and by a priest at Holy Spirit parish; MS-7 wants to go public; the priest is still in a parish, and there were other victims at Holy Spirit; MS-7’s parents and Kelly know each other MS-7 Kelly 1992-10-19 MILLER.DOC 0373 0374 MS-7’s name and address are redacted
 Letter urging MS-7 not to go public, so as to spare his parents the pain Kelly MS-7 1992-10-26 MILLER.DOC 0367 0368 MS-7’s name and address are redacted; MS-7’s father’s name is also redacted
 Letter identifying Miller, who was transferred from Holy Spirit after another boy told his father about abuse; stories were widespread; Kelly must be aggressive MS-7 Kelly 1992-11-04 MILLER.DOC 0375 0377 MS-7’s name, address, and phone numbers are redacted; name of therapist later accused of abuse, according to MS-7, also redacted
 Letter thanking Kelly for phone call and discussing abuse by unnamed Xaverian brother at Camp Christopher/ St. Joe Prep; request for therapy help MS-7 Kelly 1993-01-27 MILLER.DOC 0371 0372 MS-7’s name, address, and initials redacted; name of therapist redacted as in 11/4/92 letter
 Letter stating that Xaverians can’t identify the counselor who abused MS-7; Kelly uses MS-7’s first name in salutation Kelly MS-7 1993-02-25 MILLER.DOC 0370 MS-7’s name and address are redacted
 Letter describing difficult three years; informal investigation revealed other abuse by Miller and nun who had warned Miller at St. Aloysius in early 1970s; wife of MS-6 cut off by Ford and humiliated; ill effects of confidentiality agreement; request for help with financial results of husband’s abuse Wife of MS-6 Kelly 1993-03-10 MILLER.DOC 0335 0337 Names of MS-6 and his wife redacted; names of her children’s schools redacted too
 Letter in reply, coldly refusing to help and speculating that the wife’s problems date to a prior marriage Kelly Wife of MS-6 1993-03-24 MILLER.DOC 0334 Names of MS-6 and his wife redacted; enclosed her 1/22/90 letter
 Letter saying that the parents “have reason to believe that there were encounters before and after [MS-6]” and that Miller needs help; they rue the “humiliating” depositions that the archdiocese put MS-6 and his wife through; parents ask for dialogue Parents of MS-6 Kelly 1993-04-07 MILLER.DOC 0323 0328 Names of MS-6, his wife, and his parents redacted; letter was partially redacted previously, it seems concealing the name of attorney Ford
 Letter rebuffing MS-6’s parents because of the “decision to go the legal route”; Miller is in treatment and has “gracefully accepted” restrictions Kelly Parents of MS-6 1993-04-20 MILLER.DOC 0321 Name of MS-6 and his parents redacted
 Letter on journal and tests to prepare for transition to group therapy; list of the “conditions” Miller has “agreed to” Wagner Kelly 1993-07-08 MILLER.DOC 0414 0415
 Handwritten letter accepting Kelly’s proposal of a “capped figure” for therapy and commiserating with Kelly about the “many dimensions” of the archbishop’s work MS-7 Kelly 1993-09 MILLER.DOC 0365 0366 MS-7’s name and place of residence redacted
 Excerpt from Miller’s therapy journal recounting and minimizing his abuse of boys at Holy Spirit; he was transferred [to St. Athanasius, where he also offended] after “my offensive behavior was reported to parents, pastor and archbishop in late November 1961” Miller 1994-02 PMW 00593 00595
 Therapy session notes on MS-8 [a Holy Spirit victim who ultimately sued and was a complaining witness in criminal indictment] confronting Miller angrily Wagner 1994-11-22 PMW 00635 Name of MS-8 redacted
 Therapy session notes in which Miller is quoted as saying that he hadn’t touched anyone since 1985-86, when he started to realize the damage to others and to himself; keeps wishing he’d quit in 1962 and considers going public Wagner 1994-11-29 PMW 00637 00638
 Therapy session notes in which Miller is quoted as saying that he’s surprised at how many parishes he’s helping as a supply priest; but he isn’t ever with servers alone Wagner 1994-12-08 PMW 00639
 Memo about abuse allegations against Miller in his extended family and who’s “troublesome” and “dangerous” to Kelly; the latter “is living with some guy, and would like to bring a lawsuit” Kelly File
1997-11-26 MILLER.DOC 0389 Names of relatives redacted; the niece who has alleged abuse we call Female Survivor 1; sisters in law are called Sis-1 and Sis-2; other nieces are called Niece 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
 Memo noting a Miller sister-in-law’s concerns about Miller’s “behavior with her children”; priests have concerns about Miller’s “arrangement” at Sacred Heart Home, but Wagner’s sure that Miller avoids children Kelly File 1998-10-27 MILLER.DOC 0388 Sister-in-law’s name redacted
 Letter describing MS-9’s abuse by Miller at Holy Spirit, where MS-9 [who ultimately sued and was a complaining witness in criminal indictment] knew “4 other boys in my class” who were molested; one classmate was related to Auxiliary Bishop Maloney, “who I suspect was told”; MS-9 lives in FL and was disturbed by the Symons and O’Connell cases; he’d like to get counseling and compensation without going to an attorney MS-9 Kelly 2002-03-13 MILLER.DOC 0394 Name, address, phone number, and email address of MS-9 are redacted; the name of Bishop Maloney’s relations is also redacted as Parishioner 4; identifying details of MS-9 are redacted



Rev. Arthur L. Wood

 Wood’s assignments
 Wood survivors


Description From To Date Bates Start Stop Comments
Handwritten letter from Wood petitioning for advancement to tonsure and minor orders, and stating that Wood is “fully aware of the specific obligations attached to the clerical state” Wood Floersh 1955-10-17 WOOD.DOC 0084 Wood was studying at St. Maur’s Seminary in South Union KY
Wood’s declaration before ordination, stating that he understands and will fulfill the “law of Celibacy” Wood 1959-04-09 WOOD.DOC 0049
Letter “humbly” asking permission to say the Divine Office in English instead of Latin Wood Floersh 1964-08-14 WOOD.DOC 0149 At the time, Wood was assigned to St. Elizabeth of Hungary parish (1959-1965), where he is accused of molesting at least 14 boys.
Letter citing documents of Vatican II and granting permission Floersh Wood 1964-08-17 WOOD.DOC 0150
Letter to the editor in the Courier-Journal about the termination of Wood’s chaplaincy at St. Joseph Infirmary; Wood mentions “teen-age volunteers” and “many families” Wood 1971-02-12
Handwritten letter noting that Miller is back from vacation and Wood has finished substituting for him at SS. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital; Wood is living with his sister and awaiting assignment Wood McDonough 1972-10-27 Miller was chaplain at SS. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital (1964-72) between parish assignments, and is accused of abusing at least 7 boys and 1 girl while he worked there; Wood succeeded him at the hospital (1973-83) and is accused of abusing at least 3 boys during his time there; one boy alleges he was abused by both Miller and Wood
Letter from a nun complaining about Wood’s performance as chaplain of SS. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital Lossie McDonough 1979-04-24 WOOD.DOC 0183 0184
Letter asking Lossie to share her letter with Wood; handwritten note by McDonough on file copy calls it a “personality problem” and says he asked Wood “not to make gossip out of the [nun’s] letter” McDonough Lossie 1979-04-25 WOOD.DOC 0182
Memo of “very believable” report by MS-10 of abuse by Wood at St. Elizabeth of Hungary in the early 1960s; MS-10 knew more than 12 Wood victims and believed that after a boy and his parents complained at the rectory, Wood was transferred; MS-10 is a Vietnam Vet with two failed marriages and other problems; Medley offered to cover therapy if MS-10’s insurance ran out; MS-10 assumed Medley knew about Wood but Medley said no, and talked with MS-10 about increased awareness these days Medley Breen
1992-12-11 WOOD.DOC 001A 001B MS-10’s name redacted. MS-10’s name is one of 14 included in the C-J list for Wood at St. Elizabeth’s.
Memo about call from MS-11 to report abuse by Wood at St. Polycarp in 1967-68 starting when the boy was age 12; Jenkins conveyed Kelly’s offer to discuss, but MS-11 first wanted to see his attorney Jenkins Kelly 1995-02-03 WOOD.DOC 0013 MS-11’s name redacted; MS-11’s name is one of 10 included in the C-J list for Wood at St. Polycarp’s.
Letter confirming that MS-11 will begin group counseling with the archdiocese’s Survivors of Clergy Abuse program and will be meeting again with Kelly on 4/25/95; receipts for therapy expenses are enclosed MS-11 Kelly 1995-04-11 WOOD.DOC 0014 0015 MS-11’s name redacted; “Apr 25” handwritten on first sheet
Account of abuse by Wood of MS-11 in 1966-1969, beginning when the boy was in 5th grade at St. Polycarp; Wood abused other boys there; later MS-11 attended Fr. Judge Seminary in the early 1970s, discovered that the priest in charge was also an abuser, and left, giving up his dream to become a priest MS-11 1995-04-25 WOOD.DOC 0004 0012 Handwritten “Apr 25” connects this account with the letter by MS-11, who was scheduled to meet with Kelly on 4/25/95. MS-11’s first name redacted at end of account.
Letter stating that MS-11’s therapist estimates 5 to 10 years of therapy will be needed; Reynolds has offered a one-time payment to cover 18 months; MS-11 says in the spirit of Easter he will accept a one-time payment to cover 36 months Victim Reynolds 1995-05-03 WOOD.DOC 0002 MS-11’s name redacted
Settlement with archdiocese for 3 years of therapy expenses and $10,500 with confidentiality agreement; MS-11 represented himself in making this agreement MS-11 1995-05-25 WOOD.DOC 0035 0037
Memo about request from Wood survivor MS-12 to look around the St. Polycarp rectory; Reynolds consulted archdiocesan attorney Ford who strongly advised no; Reynolds told the current pastor “that he should not allow such a visit”; Reynolds and Ford guessed that MS-12 “may be getting encouragement connected to the so-called ‘repressed memory’ therapy”; MS-11 who was abused by Wood at St. Polycarp had recently asked for another meeting with Kelly; MS-11 had mentioned “several other victims” Reynolds Kelly
1999-08-10 WOOD.DOC 0003 Names of MS-12 and MS-11 redacted. In fact, MS-11 implies in his 1995 account that there were more than “several” other Wood victims at St. Polycarp, and MS-10 had told Medley in 1992 that there were “more than a dozen victims ” of Wood at his previous parish, St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
Letter describing abuse at St. Ignatius parish in 1972 and Wood’s “abuse wagon”; requests $250K settlement; MS-13 says that Wood “covered a lot of ground and victims in one year” and when a boy came forward [to his parents, who told the pastor], Wood “visited the homes of his victims to assure our parents and us that he had done nothing wrong. I will take his luminous memories of abuse to my grave.” MS-13 Reynolds 2002-05-17 WOOD.DOC 0187 0189 Name and address of MS-13 redacted with some identifying details